Completion/Repair Schedule
The Required Repair Schedule to the Multifamily Loan Agreement (Form 6001 series) and the applicable parts of the Multifamily Loan AgreementMultifamily Loan AgreementAgreement evidencing Mortgage Loan terms using Form 6001 series Loan Documents, or another Fannie Mae-approved form. , or other Fannie Mae-approved agreement, evidencing:
- the Borrower’sBorrower’sPerson who is the obligor per the Note.
agreement to
- fund the Completion/Repair EscrowCompletion/Repair EscrowCustodial Account funded on the Mortgage Loan Origination Date for Completion/Repairs or capital improvements per the Loan Documents. , and
- perform Completion/RepairsCompletion/RepairsRepairs or capital item replacements and deferred maintenance: identified per the Property Condition Assessment; and required per the Completion/Repair Schedule, or Completion/Repair Agreement. ; and
- Completion/Repair EscrowCompletion/Repair EscrowCustodial Account funded on the Mortgage Loan Origination Date for Completion/Repairs or capital improvements per the Loan Documents. disbursement terms.
Completion/Repair Schedules