Fannie Mae LIHTC Investment in Credit-Enhanced Bonds
Per Part III, Chapter 7: Multifamily Affordable Housing Properties, Section 710.02: Fannie Mae Credit-Enhanced Tax-Exempt Bond Issuance, Fannie Mae may be a LIHTCLIHTCFederal program offering tax credits to owners of eligible properties that contain low-income occupants and rent restrictions. investor in the BorrowerBorrowerPerson who is the obligor per the Note. for a project financed by tax-exempt BondsBondsTax-exempt or taxable multifamily revenue bonds, or other tax-exempt or taxable bonds, issued to finance 1 or more Credit Enhancement Mortgage Loan Properties. that Fannie Mae will also be credit enhancing. To avoid potential adverse tax consequences, if Fannie Mae is a LIHTCLIHTCFederal program offering tax credits to owners of eligible properties that contain low-income occupants and rent restrictions. investor on a Credit Enhancement Mortgage LoanCredit Enhancement Mortgage LoanMortgage Loan financed by a Bond issuance where Fannie Mae provides credit enhancement by a Credit Enhancement Instrument, or an MBS for Bonds. , Fannie Mae’s counsel will prepare the LIHTCLIHTCFederal program offering tax credits to owners of eligible properties that contain low-income occupants and rent restrictions. agreement among the
- BondBondTax-exempt or taxable multifamily revenue bonds, or other tax-exempt or taxable bonds, issued to finance 1 or more Credit Enhancement Mortgage Loan Properties. IssuerIssuerEntity that: issues Bonds for a Credit Enhancement Mortgage Loan; packages mortgages for sale as a Security for an MBS; or issues a Letter of Credit. ,
- BorrowerBorrowerPerson who is the obligor per the Note. , and
- Fannie Mae.
You must determine if Fannie Mae will be a LIHTCLIHTCFederal program offering tax credits to owners of eligible properties that contain low-income occupants and rent restrictions. investor on a Credit Enhancement Mortgage LoanCredit Enhancement Mortgage LoanMortgage Loan financed by a Bond issuance where Fannie Mae provides credit enhancement by a Credit Enhancement Instrument, or an MBS for Bonds. . If so, you must confirm:
- Fannie Mae does not hold a direct equity interest in the BorrowerBorrowerPerson who is the obligor per the Note. ;
- Fannie Mae’s indirect equity interest in the BorrowerBorrowerPerson who is the obligor per the Note. is less than 50%;
- the IRS documentation filed for the BondBondTax-exempt or taxable multifamily revenue bonds, or other tax-exempt or taxable bonds, issued to finance 1 or more Credit Enhancement Mortgage Loan Properties. issuance shows that none of the BondBondTax-exempt or taxable multifamily revenue bonds, or other tax-exempt or taxable bonds, issued to finance 1 or more Credit Enhancement Mortgage Loan Properties. proceeds were applied to pay any portion of Fannie Mae’s Credit Enhancement FeeCredit Enhancement FeeFee due to Fannie Mae for a Credit Enhancement Instrument. ;
- the BondBondTax-exempt or taxable multifamily revenue bonds, or other tax-exempt or taxable bonds, issued to finance 1 or more Credit Enhancement Mortgage Loan Properties. IssuerIssuerEntity that: issues Bonds for a Credit Enhancement Mortgage Loan; packages mortgages for sale as a Security for an MBS; or issues a Letter of Credit. , BorrowerBorrowerPerson who is the obligor per the Note. , and Fannie Mae enter into a LIHTCLIHTCFederal program offering tax credits to owners of eligible properties that contain low-income occupants and rent restrictions. agreement acknowledging Fannie Mae’s equity interest; and
- any LIHTCLIHTCFederal program offering tax credits to owners of eligible properties that contain low-income occupants and rent restrictions. agreement required notices to the BorrowerBorrowerPerson who is the obligor per the Note. and BondBondTax-exempt or taxable multifamily revenue bonds, or other tax-exempt or taxable bonds, issued to finance 1 or more Credit Enhancement Mortgage Loan Properties. IssuerIssuerEntity that: issues Bonds for a Credit Enhancement Mortgage Loan; packages mortgages for sale as a Security for an MBS; or issues a Letter of Credit. were provided.