Cap Cost Factor Included in Maximum Note Rate
When determining the Maximum Note RateMaximum Note RateEquals the sum of the: minimum Cap Strike Rate as set by Fannie Mae; and Mortgage Loan margin equal to the sum of the Investor spread, Guaranty Fee, and Servicing Fee. used to calculate the minimum required Underwritten DSCRUnderwritten DSCRRatio of Underwritten Net Cash Flow to the annual debt service for a Mortgage Loan amount based on a level debt service payment with the applicable amortization, and calculated per Part II, Chapter 2: Valuation and Income, Section 203: Income Analysis, as adjusted for the applicable products and…, you must include a cap cost factor based on the term of the
- Credit Enhancement Mortgage LoanCredit Enhancement Mortgage LoanMortgage Loan financed by a Bond issuance where Fannie Mae provides credit enhancement by a Credit Enhancement Instrument, or an MBS for Bonds. , and
- initial Interest Rate CapInterest Rate CapInterest rate agreement between the Borrower and a provider for which the Borrower receives payments at the end of each period when the interest rate exceeds the Cap Strike Rate. The Interest Rate Cap provides a ceiling (or cap) on the Borrower's Mortgage Loan interest payments. .
You do not need to include a cap cost factor if the initial Interest Rate CapInterest Rate CapInterest rate agreement between the Borrower and a provider for which the Borrower receives payments at the end of each period when the interest rate exceeds the Cap Strike Rate. The Interest Rate Cap provides a ceiling (or cap) on the Borrower's Mortgage Loan interest payments. term equals the Credit Enhancement Mortgage LoanCredit Enhancement Mortgage LoanMortgage Loan financed by a Bond issuance where Fannie Mae provides credit enhancement by a Credit Enhancement Instrument, or an MBS for Bonds. term.
You must ensure the cap cost factor equals the
- estimated cost of the replacement cap (when the term of the initial cap expires), divided by
- term of the initial cap.
Operating Procedures
For example, to calculate the cap cost factor assuming a 5-year Interest Rate CapInterest Rate CapInterest rate agreement between the Borrower and a provider for which the Borrower receives payments at the end of each period when the interest rate exceeds the Cap Strike Rate. The Interest Rate Cap provides a ceiling (or cap) on the Borrower's Mortgage Loan interest payments. and 10-year Credit Enhancement Mortgage LoanCredit Enhancement Mortgage LoanMortgage Loan financed by a Bond issuance where Fannie Mae provides credit enhancement by a Credit Enhancement Instrument, or an MBS for Bonds. term:
- You must include an annual cap cost factor in the Maximum Note RateMaximum Note RateEquals the sum of the: minimum Cap Strike Rate as set by Fannie Mae; and Mortgage Loan margin equal to the sum of the Investor spread, Guaranty Fee, and Servicing Fee. .
- If the Credit Enhancement Mortgage LoanCredit Enhancement Mortgage LoanMortgage Loan financed by a Bond issuance where Fannie Mae provides credit enhancement by a Credit Enhancement Instrument, or an MBS for Bonds. term is 10 years and an initial cap is purchased for a 5-year term, the cap cost factor equals the estimated cost of a replacement cap divided by 5 (the number of years of the initial interest rate term).
- The replacement cap has a 5-year term and a Cap Strike RateCap Strike RateIndex interest rate specified in the Interest Rate Cap Agreement at or above which a payment obligation will be triggered by the Interest Rate Cap provider. equal to that of the initial cap.
- If a 5-year Interest Rate CapInterest Rate CapInterest rate agreement between the Borrower and a provider for which the Borrower receives payments at the end of each period when the interest rate exceeds the Cap Strike Rate. The Interest Rate Cap provides a ceiling (or cap) on the Borrower's Mortgage Loan interest payments. at the initial Cap Strike RateCap Strike RateIndex interest rate specified in the Interest Rate Cap Agreement at or above which a payment obligation will be triggered by the Interest Rate Cap provider. costs 20 basis points, you must divide 20 by 5, then add the result (4 basis points) to the Maximum Note RateMaximum Note RateEquals the sum of the: minimum Cap Strike Rate as set by Fannie Mae; and Mortgage Loan margin equal to the sum of the Investor spread, Guaranty Fee, and Servicing Fee. .