For a Mortgage LoanMortgage LoanMortgage debt obligation evidenced, or when made will be evidenced, by the Loan Documents, or a mortgage debt obligation with a Fannie Mae credit enhancement. to be eligible for purchase, it must be secured by a multifamily residential property that meets all of the following:
- contains at least 5 dwelling units;
- does not include a stand-alone building containing less than 5 dwelling units (e.g., a single-family structure), unless it:
- was originally constructed as part of a single multifamily development; or
- is situated on the same tax parcel, or shares a tax parcel boundary, with a
- multifamily property, or
- MH CommunityMH CommunityResidential real estate development with lots on which manufactured homes are located, together with amenities, utility services, landscaping, roads, and other infrastructure. ;
- has suitable bathroom and cooking facilities within each unit;
- is located in 1 of the 50 states of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Guam;
- is located on a publicly dedicated, all-weather road, or is accessible by a satisfactory easement from this type of road;
- consists of either a single parcel or multiple parcels per Part II, Chapter 1: Attributes and Characteristics, Section 102.01: Single Borrower Ownership;
- any commercial space is:
- physically part of, and connected to, the multifamily space; or
- a stand-alone building that is on the same tax parcel;
- has adequate water and sewer service, which may be delivered by a public utility or, where commercially acceptable for the market area, by a private system or utility;
- offers a suitable level of utility service (e.g., electrical, natural gas, refuse removal, etc.) for the market area;
- either complies with all applicable statutes, rules, regulations, and housing and building codes, or is being appropriately remediated;
- does not contain any Modular HousingModular HousingProperty on which the multifamily Improvements are constructed of sections built off-site, such as modular, prefabricated, panelized, or sectional housing, and then assembled and installed on-site on a permanent foundation (and not a chassis). ; and
- has access to police and emergency services.
To determine if a single-family structure was originally constructed as part of a single multifamily development, you should consider if all buildings:
- were originally constructed at the same time;
- were historically bought, operated, and sold as 1 ProjectProjectMultifamily buildings on multiple Properties, owned by the same Borrower, and that comply with Part II, Chapter 1: Attributes and Characteristics, Section 102.01: Single Borrower Ownership. since originally constructed;
- are generally consistent in physical appearance, with distinct boundaries such as
- signage,
- gates/fencing,
- shared parking, or
- dedicated streets;
- are located on a single tax parcel or adjacent tax parcels;
- are configured without any non-BorrowerBorrowerPerson who is the obligor per the Note. owned parcels or buildings separating/splitting or within the multifamily development; and
- are not part of a predominately homeowner development.