High Performance Building Module
For a Green Rewards Mortgage LoanGreen Rewards Mortgage LoanMortgage Loan secured by a Property where the Borrower agrees to undertake 1 or more Energy- and Water-Efficiency Measures that comply with Part III, Chapter 4: Green Mortgage Loans, Section 403: Green Rewards Mortgage Loans. , you must:
- retain a consultant to provide either:
- a High Performance Building (HPB) module (HPB ModuleHPB ModulePCA High Performance Building Module assessing cost effective opportunities to increase a Property’s energy and water efficiency and reduce costs. ), including Appendix H: HPB Module Report Tables (Form 4099.H) as part of a required PCA; or
- a standalone HPBHPBHigh Performance Building report (HPB Report), including Form 4099.H; and
- complete the HPB ModuleHPB ModulePCA High Performance Building Module assessing cost effective opportunities to increase a Property’s energy and water efficiency and reduce costs. or HPB Report and Form 4099.H per the requirements of Form 4099.
Notwithstanding the prohibition in the Pricing MemoPricing MemoApplicable DUS Pricing Memo or non-DUS Pricing Memo communicating pricing for various products and features. regarding a LenderLenderPerson Fannie Mae approved to sell or service Mortgage Loans. paying third-party costs, you may use the Origination FeeOrigination FeeFee you charge the Borrower for underwriting and originating the Mortgage Loan. to reimburse the BorrowerBorrowerPerson who is the obligor per the Note. for
- the cost of a standalone HPB Report, or
- the incremental cost of the HPB ModuleHPB ModulePCA High Performance Building Module assessing cost effective opportunities to increase a Property’s energy and water efficiency and reduce costs. over the cost of the base PCAPCAAssessment of the Property's physical condition and historical operation. .
If you use the Origination FeeOrigination FeeFee you charge the Borrower for underwriting and originating the Mortgage Loan. to pay the Borrower'sBorrower'sPerson who is the obligor per the Note. costs for the HPB Report or HPB ModuleHPB ModulePCA High Performance Building Module assessing cost effective opportunities to increase a Property’s energy and water efficiency and reduce costs. , Fannie Mae will reimburse you when you deliver the Green Mortgage LoanGreen Mortgage LoanMortgage Loan secured by a Property that incorporates features expected to have a positive environmental outcome including, but not limited to, reducing energy and water consumption at a Property, generating energy, or meeting criteria set by a third-party green building certification organization….
To submit the invoice for the HPB ModuleHPB ModulePCA High Performance Building Module assessing cost effective opportunities to increase a Property’s energy and water efficiency and reduce costs. or HPB Report for reimbursement, use the Green Mortgage Loan Job Aid.