General Underwriting
In addition to complying with Part III, Chapter 3: Moderate Rehabilitation Mortgage Loans, you should also review and evaluate:
- the reasonableness of the estimated cost of the ROAR WorkROAR WorkAggregate repairs, replacements, or improvements being performed at the ROAR Property. and the completion schedule;
- whether the ROAR WorkROAR WorkAggregate repairs, replacements, or improvements being performed at the ROAR Property. can be completed and the Restabilized Residential OccupancyRestabilized Residential OccupancyAchievement of Underwritten NCF for 3 consecutive months after completion of the ROAR Work. achieved within 18 months after the Mortgage Loan Origination DateMortgage Loan Origination DateDate you fund a Mortgage Loan to the Borrower. ;
- the Borrower’sBorrower’sPerson who is the obligor per the Note. experience in developing or rehabilitating properties similar to the ROAR Property;
- the tenant relocation plan, including budget and schedule;
- the ROAR WorkROAR WorkAggregate repairs, replacements, or improvements being performed at the ROAR Property. budget, including monthly sources and uses during the rehabilitation period;
- any construction risks;
- the LIHTCLIHTCFederal program offering tax credits to owners of eligible properties that contain low-income occupants and rent restrictions. investors’ financial strength, experience, and reputation; and
- the projected rent levels relative to market rents.