Additional Proceeds from Mortgage Loan
If the BorrowerBorrowerPerson who is the obligor per the Note. is seeking additional proceeds from the Mortgage LoanMortgage LoanMortgage debt obligation evidenced, or when made will be evidenced, by the Loan Documents, or a mortgage debt obligation with a Fannie Mae credit enhancement. based on the IRPIRPInterest Reduction Payment , then you must ensure that:
- The Mortgage LoanMortgage LoanMortgage debt obligation evidenced, or when made will be evidenced, by the Loan Documents, or a mortgage debt obligation with a Fannie Mae credit enhancement. has equal monthly payments of P&IP&IPrincipal and interest .
- The portion of the Mortgage LoanMortgage LoanMortgage debt obligation evidenced, or when made will be evidenced, by the Loan Documents, or a mortgage debt obligation with a Fannie Mae credit enhancement. sized based on the Underwritten NCFUnderwritten NCFNet Cash Flow as adjusted by the Lender per Part II, Chapter 2: Valuation and Income, Section 202: Income Analysis and the applicable products and features in Part III. meets Fannie Mae's LTVLTVRatio of the actual aggregate UPB of the Mortgage Loan, plus any Pre-Existing Mortgage Loans, plus any Hard Preferred Equity, plus any Mezzanine Financing, to the value of the Property, expressed as a percentage. and Underwritten DSCRUnderwritten DSCRRatio of Underwritten Net Cash Flow to the annual debt service for a Mortgage Loan amount based on a level debt service payment with the applicable amortization, and calculated per Part II, Chapter 2: Valuation and Income, Section 202: Income Analysis, as adjusted for the applicable products and… requirements without considering the IRPIRPInterest Reduction Payment cash flow.
- The portion of the Mortgage LoanMortgage LoanMortgage debt obligation evidenced, or when made will be evidenced, by the Loan Documents, or a mortgage debt obligation with a Fannie Mae credit enhancement. sized based on the IRPIRPInterest Reduction Payment cash flow has an Underwritten DSCRUnderwritten DSCRRatio of Underwritten Net Cash Flow to the annual debt service for a Mortgage Loan amount based on a level debt service payment with the applicable amortization, and calculated per Part II, Chapter 2: Valuation and Income, Section 202: Income Analysis, as adjusted for the applicable products and… of at least 1.00.
- The financing structure reflects the remaining term of the IRPIRPInterest Reduction Payment through a bifurcated note or amortization structure.
In a Forward CommitmentForward CommitmentCommitment to purchase a permanent Mortgage Loan for a to-be constructed or rehabilitated Property. transaction, if the IRPIRPInterest Reduction Payment is decoupled from the original Section 236 Loan, you do not need to ensure principal amortization during the construction phase.