Subordinate Debt
You must ensure that any existing debt secured by a LienLienLien, mortgage, bond interest, pledge, security interest, charge, or encumbrance of any kind. on a Cooperative PropertyCooperative PropertyMultifamily residential property owned by a Cooperative Organization. complies with Part III, Chapter 14: Supplemental Mortgage Loans, Section 1402: Supplemental Mortgage Loans. You must also calculate the
- Underwritten DSCRUnderwritten DSCRRatio of Underwritten Net Cash Flow to the annual debt service for a Mortgage Loan amount based on a level debt service payment with the applicable amortization, and calculated per Part II, Chapter 2: Valuation and Income, Section 202: Income Analysis, as adjusted for the applicable products and… per Part III, Chapter 8: Cooperative Properties, Section 804.02: Cooperative Market Rental Basis DSCR (Underwritten DSCR), and
- Actual Cooperative DSCR per Part III, Chapter 8: Cooperative Properties, Section 804.04: Actual Cooperative Property DSCR.