Cooperative Market Rental Basis NCF (Underwritten NCF)
You must review the projected operations of the Cooperative PropertyCooperative PropertyMultifamily residential property owned by a Cooperative Organization. on a Cooperative Market Rental BasisCooperative Market Rental BasisFinancial analysis or valuation of a Cooperative Property conducted as if it were operated as a conventional multifamily property subject to applicable rental restrictions. (as reflected in the AppraisalAppraisalWritten statement independently and impartially prepared by a qualified appraiser stating an opinion of the Property's market value as of a specific date, and supported by the presentation and analysis of relevant market information. ).
You must ensure the Cooperative Market Rental BasisCooperative Market Rental BasisFinancial analysis or valuation of a Cooperative Property conducted as if it were operated as a conventional multifamily property subject to applicable rental restrictions. NCFNCFOn an annual basis or any specified period, the total Net Operating Income, minus the full amount underwritten for Replacement Reserve expense, regardless of whether deposits will be made (per Part II, Chapter 2: Valuation and Income, Section 202: Income Analysis and the applicable products and… includes the minimum economic vacancy and Replacement ReserveReplacement ReserveCustodial Account the Borrower funds during the Mortgage Loan term for Replacements. expense per the applicable Underwritten NCFUnderwritten NCFNet Cash Flow as adjusted by the Lender per Part II, Chapter 2: Valuation and Income, Section 202: Income Analysis and the applicable products and features in Part III. calculation in Part II, Chapter 2: Valuation and Income or Part III, Chapter 9: Small Mortgage Loans.