Structured Transactions consist of 1 or more Mortgage LoansMortgage LoansMortgage debt obligation evidenced, or when made will be evidenced, by the Loan Documents, or a mortgage debt obligation with a Fannie Mae credit enhancement. governed by a master agreement, regardless of individual loan size or cross-collateralization.
There are 2 types of Structured Transactions: Credit FacilitiesCredit FacilitiesStructured Transaction governed by a Master Credit Facility Agreement requiring Mortgage Loans and Properties to be cross-defaulted, and cross-collateralized. and Bulk DeliveriesBulk DeliveriesStructured Transaction governed by a Bulk Delivery Agreement that allows future: Mortgage Loan additions; and/or Property substitutions. . The terms for each Structured Transaction vary and are negotiated based on the specific PropertiesPropertiesMultifamily residential real estate securing the Mortgage Loan, including the fee simple or Leasehold interest, Improvements, and personal property (per the Uniform Commercial Code). and SponsorSponsorPrincipal equity owner and/or primary decision maker of the Borrower (often the Key Principal or the Person Controlling the Key Principal). needs.