Interest Rate Swaps
The ServicerServicerPrimary Person servicing the Mortgage Loan, including the originator, seller, or a third party. must monitor the Interest Rate SwapInterest Rate SwapInterest rate agreement between the Borrower and a provider for which the Borrower receives payments at the end of each period when the interest rate exceeds the Cap Strike Rate. The Interest Rate Cap provides a ceiling (or cap) on the Borrower's Mortgage Loan interest payments. to ensure that all payments are made on a timely basis. All payments under an Interest Rate SwapInterest Rate SwapInterest rate agreement between the Borrower and a provider for which the Borrower receives payments at the end of each period when the interest rate exceeds the Cap Strike Rate. The Interest Rate Cap provides a ceiling (or cap) on the Borrower's Mortgage Loan interest payments. must be made directly to the ServicerServicerPrimary Person servicing the Mortgage Loan, including the originator, seller, or a third party. , which will:
- remit the amount received from the BorrowerBorrowerPerson who is the obligor per the Note. to the Interest Rate SwapInterest Rate SwapInterest rate agreement between the Borrower and a provider for which the Borrower receives payments at the end of each period when the interest rate exceeds the Cap Strike Rate. The Interest Rate Cap provides a ceiling (or cap) on the Borrower's Mortgage Loan interest payments. provider; or
- remit the amount received from the Interest Rate SwapInterest Rate SwapInterest rate agreement between the Borrower and a provider for which the Borrower receives payments at the end of each period when the interest rate exceeds the Cap Strike Rate. The Interest Rate Cap provides a ceiling (or cap) on the Borrower's Mortgage Loan interest payments. provider to the BorrowerBorrowerPerson who is the obligor per the Note. , but only after the BorrowerBorrowerPerson who is the obligor per the Note. has made the required monthly P&IP&IPrincipal and interest payment on the Mortgage LoanMortgage LoanMortgage debt obligation evidenced, or when made will be evidenced, by the Loan Documents, or a mortgage debt obligation with a Fannie Mae credit enhancement. .
Payments due on the Interest Rate SwapInterest Rate SwapInterest rate agreement between the Borrower and a provider for which the Borrower receives payments at the end of each period when the interest rate exceeds the Cap Strike Rate. The Interest Rate Cap provides a ceiling (or cap) on the Borrower's Mortgage Loan interest payments. must match the payment dates on the Mortgage LoanMortgage LoanMortgage debt obligation evidenced, or when made will be evidenced, by the Loan Documents, or a mortgage debt obligation with a Fannie Mae credit enhancement. or the BondsBondsTax-exempt or taxable multifamily revenue bonds, or other tax-exempt or taxable bonds, issued to finance 1 or more Credit Enhancement Mortgage Loan Properties. , as applicable. The ServicerServicerPrimary Person servicing the Mortgage Loan, including the originator, seller, or a third party. must advance Interest Rate SwapInterest Rate SwapInterest rate agreement between the Borrower and a provider for which the Borrower receives payments at the end of each period when the interest rate exceeds the Cap Strike Rate. The Interest Rate Cap provides a ceiling (or cap) on the Borrower's Mortgage Loan interest payments. payments and Interest Rate SwapInterest Rate SwapInterest rate agreement between the Borrower and a provider for which the Borrower receives payments at the end of each period when the interest rate exceeds the Cap Strike Rate. The Interest Rate Cap provides a ceiling (or cap) on the Borrower's Mortgage Loan interest payments. credit enhancement fees that are not made by the BorrowerBorrowerPerson who is the obligor per the Note. or the Interest Rate SwapInterest Rate SwapInterest rate agreement between the Borrower and a provider for which the Borrower receives payments at the end of each period when the interest rate exceeds the Cap Strike Rate. The Interest Rate Cap provides a ceiling (or cap) on the Borrower's Mortgage Loan interest payments. provider, as applicable, on a timely basis. These payments and their duration will be treated as Delinquency AdvancesDelinquency AdvancesYour required advances for scheduled monthly Mortgage Loan principal and/or interest per your Lender Contract, or the Guide. . The ServicerServicerPrimary Person servicing the Mortgage Loan, including the originator, seller, or a third party. is not required to advance any termination payment due on the Interest Rate SwapInterest Rate SwapInterest rate agreement between the Borrower and a provider for which the Borrower receives payments at the end of each period when the interest rate exceeds the Cap Strike Rate. The Interest Rate Cap provides a ceiling (or cap) on the Borrower's Mortgage Loan interest payments. .