Amount of Security Monthly Remittance
The SecuritySecurityMBS, PFP MBS, or REMIC. monthly remittance is the total of the Security Interest Distribution and Security Principal Distribution Amounts. For each month, the SecuritySecurityMBS, PFP MBS, or REMIC. monthly remittance must include the scheduled principal payment due on the first day of that month plus a full month's interest (calculated at the SecuritySecurityMBS, PFP MBS, or REMIC. Pass-Through RatePass-Through RateMortgage Loan Gross Note Rate minus: for MBS Mortgage Loans, the Guaranty Fee, minus the Servicing Fee; and for Cash Mortgage Loans, the Servicing Fee. ) due in arrears for the previous month. It also may include unscheduled prepayments of principal.
The ServicerServicerPrimary Person servicing the Mortgage Loan, including the originator, seller, or a third party. is required to pass through to Fannie Mae in each SecuritySecurityMBS, PFP MBS, or REMIC. monthly remittance, the full scheduled amounts of P&IP&IPrincipal and interest , regardless of whether such amounts actually have been collected from the BorrowerBorrowerPerson who is the obligor per the Note. . A full month's interest (calculated at the SecuritySecurityMBS, PFP MBS, or REMIC. Pass-Through RatePass-Through RateMortgage Loan Gross Note Rate minus: for MBS Mortgage Loans, the Guaranty Fee, minus the Servicing Fee; and for Cash Mortgage Loans, the Servicing Fee. ) must be included in each SecuritySecurityMBS, PFP MBS, or REMIC. monthly remittance, regardless of whether there has been any partial or full prepayment during the month.