Mortgage Loan Documents Must Permit Defeasance
A BorrowerBorrowerPerson who is the obligor per the Note. may elect to defease its Mortgage LoanMortgage LoanMortgage debt obligation evidenced, or when made will be evidenced, by the Loan Documents, or a mortgage debt obligation with a Fannie Mae credit enhancement. only if the Loan DocumentsLoan DocumentsAll Fannie Mae-approved documents evidencing, securing, or guaranteeing the Mortgage Loan. permit defeasance. If the Borrower’sBorrower’sPerson who is the obligor per the Note. Mortgage Loan DocumentsMortgage Loan DocumentsAll Fannie Mae-approved documents evidencing, securing, or guaranteeing the Mortgage Loan. do not permit defeasance, defeasance of the Mortgage LoanMortgage LoanMortgage debt obligation evidenced, or when made will be evidenced, by the Loan Documents, or a mortgage debt obligation with a Fannie Mae credit enhancement. is not permitted.