Fannie Mae Security Liquidated Damages
If the BorrowerBorrowerPerson who is the obligor per the Note. timely pays the Defeasance Commitment Fee and the ServicerServicerPrimary Person servicing the Mortgage Loan, including the originator, seller, or a third party. and the BorrowerBorrowerPerson who is the obligor per the Note. timely transmit a signed facsimile copy of the Defeasance Notice, but the BorrowerBorrowerPerson who is the obligor per the Note. fails to consummate the defeasance, Fannie Mae shall have the right to retain the Defeasance Commitment Fee as liquidated damages for the Borrower'sBorrower'sPerson who is the obligor per the Note. default and, subject to the terms and conditions of the NoteNoteInstrument evidencing a Mortgage Loan obligation, including Form 6010 series, any other Fannie Mae-approved note, and all applicable addenda, schedules, and exhibits. , the BorrowerBorrowerPerson who is the obligor per the Note. shall be released from all further obligation to defease the NoteNoteInstrument evidencing a Mortgage Loan obligation, including Form 6010 series, any other Fannie Mae-approved note, and all applicable addenda, schedules, and exhibits. under the given Defeasance Notice.