No Additional Proceeds
If the BorrowerBorrowerPerson who is the obligor per the Note. is not seeking additional proceeds based on the IRPIRPInterest Reduction Payment , you must exclude the amount of the IRPIRPInterest Reduction Payment from the LTVLTVRatio of the actual aggregate UPB of the Mortgage Loan, plus any Pre-Existing Mortgage Loans, plus any Hard Preferred Equity, plus any Mezzanine Financing, to the value of the Property, expressed as a percentage. and Underwritten DSCRUnderwritten DSCRRatio of Underwritten Net Cash Flow to the annual debt service for a Mortgage Loan amount based on a level debt service payment with the applicable amortization, and calculated per Part II, Chapter 2: Valuation and Income, Section 202: Income Analysis, as adjusted for the applicable products and….